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Immunofluorescence Labeling of Organoids, Spheroids, and Cells :

Introducing CellO-IF! 

This all-in-one reagent simplifies immunofluorescence labeling 
and maximizes results.

Preservation of the 3D integrity of biospecimens 
during immunofluorescence labeling
leads to unprecedented image quality, 
consistent results, and reliable data.  

CellO-IF Bottle_edited_edited.png


Empower your study with:

Unparalleled 3D Preservation:    

Maintain the natural structure of your samples for more accurate results.

Stunning High-Resolution Images:    

Capture exceptional image quality with reduced background noise.

Enhanced Antigen Visualization:       

Boost the signal of your targets of interest for

clearer insights.


Faster Answers:      

Obtain high-quality data within hours, accelerating your research progress.

Liver Cancer Spheroid in Hydrogel

Robust 3D Tumor & Disease Modeling:

Introducing CellO-M! 

This multi-purpose cell culture dish eliminates the need

for transferring delicate samples during complex protocols

while ensuring the structural integrity, cellular fitness,

and consistency of 2D & 3D cell culture models.

It simplifies cell culture workflows

and provides reliable data.

CellO-M design with drop .png



Unlock the Secrets of 3D Structures:

Culture, Freeze, Label, Image

- All Within A Single CellO-M


Revolutionary Workflow:

CellO-M streamlines 2D & 3D cell analysis:


Culture organoids, spheroids or cells, and  label, stain or coat them for analysis, and then image them under a light, confocal or electron microscope – all within a single, sterile platform.


No more time-consuming transfers, pipetting, or harvesting that can damage precious biospecimens.This minimizes the risks associated with traditional workflows and ensures reliable, reproducible data for the study. 


Unparalleled Results:


The elegant design of CellO-M provides a secure environment to protect the 3D Structure of organoids, spheroids, and cells, enabling analysis of the entire sample. 

Breakthrough Technology: Analyze Whole Samples
in Their Native Environment:
7 Functions,
1 Platform,
Unmatched Results

CellO-IF3 in Action:

Revolution in Labeling of Organoids and Spheroids:

Unparalleled Clarity and Accuracy in Hours


CellO-IF2 in Action:

Unprecedented Efficiency in Immunofluorescence Staining of Cells:

Achieve Clear, Accurate  Labeling of the Entire Protected Sample

Examine Multiple Targets in Hours


CellO-M in Action:

Seamless Workflow:

Culture, Label, and Image in a Single CellO-M



lung organoids


grown, and live images were captured.

All steps were performed in

a single CellO-M.


Liver Cancer Spheroids

were grown, frozen and thawed.  

All steps were performed in

a single CellO-M.


Liver cancer spheroids were grown, stained with H&E, examined, and photographed. 

All steps were performed in

a single CellO-M.


Liver cancer spheroids  were grown, immunolabeled,  examined under confocal microscope and then images were captured.

All steps were performed in

a single CellO-M.

HepG2 spheroids09_edited_edited_edited.p

Liver cancer spheroids  were grown, processed, examined under electron microscope, and then images were captured. 

All steps were performed in

a single


Use simple, user-friendly, and cost-effective technologies
Minimize cell damage, human errors, and contamination risk

Improve reproducibility, reliability, and consistency

New Products

*Patent Pending Technologies

CellO™ - T*

A multipurpose cell culture container for your delicate samples from the start of growth until transplantation

CellO™ - S*

A uniquely designed cell culture container for boosting spheroid formation, for drug design and drug screening experiments

CellO™ - P*

A game changer to enhance immunohistochemical staining on your paraffin sections. Get your results within same day. A smart consumable for pathology laboratories

CellO™ - F*

DMSO-free freezing medium for organoids and spheroids. It is designed to freeze samples while they are still in the gel. 

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